Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Growing plants underwater.

This is a suggestion from the early days of the project that I've given a lot of thought to and decided to pursue. I won't make the colony reliant on plants for air as that would endanger the hamsters. However it will supplement the air, act as a backup food supply and be generally neat as fuck:Why clover? Why not blue green alage? Well, a couple reasons. Clover thrives even in dry conditions, meaning I don't have to water it often. It also thrives with minimal sunlight, meaning even a meager blue/IR LED array will suffice. Last, hamsters love it. It's a treat for them, as there's a sort of sugary nectar inside the leaves and stem they really enjoy. By comparison blue green algae offers efficient production of oxygen (a function we don't need) but cannot be eaten, and is more difficult to successfully cultivate.

So, for our purposes, clover seems ideal. I can simply spray the "crops" with a mister every time I raise the colony to clean out the other parts, and the lights will do the rest. This does mean I'll need to add a USB power cable to the umbilical, however. But given that I'll soon be dremeling out a 1.5 inch hole in each enclosure, and given how perfectly silicone sealant seems to protect against water getting in, I'm no longer skittish about breaching the habitat walls to pass cables inside. Any idea where I can get a 24 foot long USB extension cord?


  1. http://www.cablewholesale.com/cgi-bin/googletrack.cgi?url=/catalog/usbcables.htm&gclid=CMTJmI6E8qQCFRNSgwodLTnChg

    USB cables of various lengths, the longest I saw was 15 feet, male/female. They're very cheap, so purchasing a couple won't cost much!

  2. You could always splice a home made wire to whatever length you'd need.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You can always run down a different type of cable (like ethernet) and make it USB at the very end. It's about 30 minutes of work to make it USB at both ends.

  5. USB cables have a limit of 5 metres and after that they won't work so you won't find yourself a 24foot long cabe I'm afraid (24 feet = 7.3152 meters).

    It's not technically possible to have longer USB cables due to how they're built.

  6. I recommend reading here:


    hardly seems worth the hassle getting longer than 5m

  7. You could get a USB signal amplifier.

    This one is pared with a 39 feet cable:

  8. I meant "39 foot cable". You Americans and your wacky units of measurements.

  9. Hm. I suppose I could buy another enclosure just for a 21 amp hour USB battery pack I have from an older project. It's the size of a small paperback book, and being lithium polymer it would last a very long time.

    I'd need another watertight enclosure just for that however

  10. I think the splicing the ethernet cable would be the best option.

  11. I think you should put something over the clover field, possibly chicken wire or other mesh, so the little hamsters cant destroy the crop before its barely out the ground. Also if they poop and pee it'll fertilise the clovers.

  12. Good idea, a wire mesh wouldn't be difficult. I'll look for something like that at a craft store.

  13. I'm thinking regular AC power, (I assume your generator has that kind of output?) extension cord, use a USB/AC adapter for the length issue.


  14. Hey, I love your blog.
    I was thinking that you could put some type of failsafe in your tank. Perhaps a leak indicator that would be triggered by too much moisture and would text you or call your phone. It's never a bad idea to build some redundancy into the system. Just my two cents.
    Keep up the good work.

  15. For your consideration, Bob. Its an LED powered by a mouse wheel.


  16. this blog is simultaneously the coolest and weirdest thing I have found recently. I am still trying to figure it out exactly...
