Sunday, October 17, 2010

Announcing Project Earth Rover.

Fear not, Project Hampture will continue as planned, with new rooms being added as funding permits. But I've got many other project ideas I'd like to pursue, and I hope everyone who followed along with Project Hampture will be just as captivated by Project Earth Rover. My hope is that it will more directly involve you guys, as once complete, anyone will be able to use the robot(s).

Post your thoughts in the comments!


  1. Will there be objectivist robots?

    In your recent /sci/ thread you said managing who controls the robots would be easy because there wouldn't be many participants (used number of follower as example) but as I see it there will be nothing but a shitstrom of people wanting to drive them.

    You'd also need to get a fenced of property to stop people from stealing them (or driving them into a lake) when your not around to monitor them.

    If you do this right and have commercials going on while you drive the thing this could make you a ton of cash.

    Good luck in any case.

  2. I'm not really looking to profit off of it. The only way I'd set up something like that is if people actually demanded to pay for it. Why? Why should it cost anything? So long as people contribute enough to pay for the hardware I'm content to make the use of it free.

  3. I don't consider watching a short commercial or having flash banners on the screen "paying" (personal opinion), and I would happily watch them when I know that they'd help to fund mad science.

  4. I wouldn't mind sitting through a short commercial or having a banner if it helps fund these projects.

  5. No commercials. But I'll consider unobtrusive google ads.

  6. Careful, assuming no-one will be interested in participating is madness :) It just takes the right blog to link to you, and BOOM - instant Digg/SlashDot/Reddit/BoingBoing effect.

    I'll be interested to see if you can get this working, however - and I'd be particularly interested in 'level designing' the forest for intrepid rover explorers. Sure, the forest itself would be amazing to explore, but imagine finding a blinking LED path in the night-time, leading to a rover-sized burrow...

  7. to add to tinkergirl. i put this up for consideration at and I even got a reply from them.

  8. Oh neat. I definitely appreciate that sort of word of mouth publicity. Especially since, looking at preliminary parts lists, this is going to be a considerably more expensive project than Hampture was.

    It'll be something everyone can use, though. And I'm excited to see what sort of robo-adventures people go on. :3

  9. If it's in the forest, you will have a hard time getting enough solar energy. Not to mention actually traversing the ground.

  10. I could always mount the solar panel up a tree.
