Friday, February 1, 2019

Hampture Update for 2/1/2019: TUUUUUBES

Showing the newly arrived gate valves and tubing that will connect them, explaining how I intend to connect and disconnect the habitats while submerged without flooding them.


  1. Replies
    1. So naturally, you're a vegan right? If not, isn't what livestock goes through in order to become your food dramatically more cruel than housing hamsters comfortably and safely underwater?

  2. This man is breaking ground in animal psycology.

  3. you should add baby monitors in each habitat to allow everyone to observe the hamsternauts in their expedition, i think everyone would really appreciate seeing a live feed of the hamsters and it would help warn you if a leak occurs

  4. i also think you should consider a system to automatically surface the habitats when a leak occurs by putting two prongs with one charged in each habitat then when water enters and connects the circuit you could have that trigger a clamp attaching the habitat to a weight that holds it underwater with an air sac placed under the habitat to lift the hamsters safely to the surface automatically

  5. if you did manage to get some kind of used mini sub you could use it to drag the habitat around to different locations remotely and it could possibly aid in monitoring the hamsters and potentially even carry the habitat to the surface in an emergency

  6. you could have prongs in the bottom to detect if water enters the module, then prongs at the top to detect if the water has filled the module and trigger a mechanism to automatically open the module letting the hamster take its best shot at swimming for safety in the worst case scenario

  7. you could use a raspberry pi to help connect various mechanisms, for instance if a device monitoring the air quality inside the module were to find it unbreatable that could automatically trigger an emergency surfacing mechanism to save the hamsters by exposing the module to fresh air

    1. That also opens up the possibility for lethal malfunctions.

  8. true but not having a redundancy for if a leak occurs or the life support malfunctions creates its own level of risk that you would want to weigh into the equation
